Swiping right to match with someone you find attractive is standard on any dating app. But what if you come across an extra captivating profile that makes you think, “I’ve got to match with them!”?
That’s where Bumble’s SuperSwipe feature comes in. Keep reading to learn everything about how SuperSwipes works to confidently make your strong interest known.
An Overview of Bumble SuperSwipes

Put simply, a SuperSwipe allows you to tell another Bumble user that you are highly interested in them. It’s an elevated right swipe that pushes your profile to stand out for your crush.
When you use a SuperSwipe, the recipient gets notified that you “SuperSwiped” to signal your enthusiasm to connect.
Bumble’s SuperSwipe can be defined as:
“A way to confidently Swipe Right on the profiles you’re excited about. Send a SuperSwipe to stand out and know for sure that you’ve made a strong first impression.”
SuperSwiping acts as a bolder “vote of confidence” compared to a standard right swipe. It demonstrates your assuredness that you dig their profile.
Put simply, SuperSwiping communicates:
“I’m into you and confident we’d get along well!”
Next, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details of how Bumble SuperSwiping works.
How Do SuperSwipes Function?
Using a SuperSwipe involves just a few simple steps:
1. First, access the SuperSwipe feature under the profile icon on the top-left Bumble menu.
You can purchase SuperSwipes or enable the feature by signing up for Bumble Premium or Bumble Boost.
2. Enter the swiping flow to view profiles as usual.
3. When you see someone you’re confident is a great match, SuperSwipe them instead of just liking them.
4. The user receives a notification that you SuperSwiped to signal your interest.
5. If they swipe right on you too, it’s a mutual match! Time to start chatting.
The goal is to immediately capture the attention of profiles that make your heart skip a beat. You’re saying “You intrigue me and I can’t resist letting you know!”
SuperSwipe Availability
The number of SuperSwipes you get access to depends on whether you:
- Purchase à La Carte – You can buy packs of 5 SuperSwipes at once outside of a subscription.
- Have Boost – Bumble Boost unlocks 5 free SuperSwipes per week as a subscriber.
- Have Premium – Bumble Premium also grants 5 free weekly SuperSwipes.
So SuperSwiping wisely on your true crush list can take some strategy!
Now let’s dig deeper into what exactly happens when you SuperSwipe on someone.
Receiving a SuperSwipe as a Bumble User

Wonder what a SuperSwipe looks like from the recipient’s perspective?
When someone uses their special upvote on you, your Bumble app will display a pop-up notification.
The alert for receiving a SuperSwipe will say something like “You’ve Been SuperSwiped!”
This serves as your signal that: Hey, someone out there thinks your profile really sparkles! 😍
The preview allows you to peek at a thumbnail of the SuperSwiper’s main profile pic and name.
You’re then given the choice to review the profile right away or keep playing your own swiping game.
If you’re intrigued enough to check out their profile stat, you simply tap “Review Now”.
This takes you directly to view their SuperSwiper’s card. You can then decide if you fancy them back!
No mutual match gets triggered automatically though upon receiving a SuperSwipe. You still have to intentionally swipe right on their profile separately if you want to connect.
So in summary, being SuperSwiped upon grants three key perks:
- A flattering confidence boost
- The ability to cut to the front of their profile
- Total control to swipe left if disinterested
Keep in mind that fresh SuperSwipe alerts can take a few minutes to trigger in your app after being used on you.
Sometimes closing and reopening Bumble can help surface delayed notifications of people who are partial to your profile.
Next, let’s compare SuperSwipe to Spotlight – Bumble’s similar premium feature.
How Does SuperSwipe Differ From Spotlight?
SuperSwipe and Spotlight are Bumble’s leading ways to get your profile noticed. But the main difference lies in how they announce your interest.
With a SuperSwipe:
- Only the specific person you use it on gets notified
- It directly says “You’ve Been SuperSwiped By X”
Whereas with Spotlight:
- Your profile gets highlighted in everyone’s nearby stacks
- There’s no callout that you specifically did anything
So you can think of Spotlight as a mass exposure boost to locals. While SuperSwipe directly pings one hottie to showcase interest.
Now let’s explore the best practices for making a SuperSwipe truly count…
7 Expert Tips for Maximizing Your Bumble SuperSwipes

While SuperSwiping can sound straightforward in theory – merely upgrade an alluring right swipe – proper usage requires some strategy.
You only get so many special swipes per week. So making each one feel meaningful by targeting quality over quantity is key.
Here are 7 expert tricks for seamlessly excelling at SuperSwipe seduction:
1. Actually Review Their Entire Profile
Before smashing the SuperSwipe button, properly inspect everything on their profile card. Read through it fully like a mini pre-date!
Scan beyond just their best pics to peek at their job, education, bio tidbits, answered prompts, etc.
Get a true feel for their personality and lifestyle to gauge compatibility. Ensure they clear the standard swipe-right bar before assessing SuperSwipe’s worthiness.
2. Save SuperSwipes for Profile Standouts
Be highly selective by reserving SuperSwipes only for peak prospects you’re crazy-thrilled about.
These should be next-level stunners whose profiles truly blow you away into infatuated land!
Otherwise, a routine right swipe will do. The goal is for a SuperSwipe to feel like declaring:
“Yesss – you are girlfriend/boyfriend material and more!” 😍
3. Balance Timing With Haste
There’s a strategic sweet spot between rushing to SuperSwipe prematurely and losing them from waiting too long.
If you spot an irresistible match, consider rapidly firing off your S-swipe to maximize visibility. Their alluring card could easily become buried under piles of newcomers!
But don’t pull the trigger reflexively on every remotely interesting option either. Let truly special ones marinate so your super-vote carries significance when cast.
4. Bring Your A-Game Chatting Game
When deploying precious SuperSwipes, assume matching with them is a done deal. So spark your wittiest banter chops preemptively!
Brainstorm lively icebreakers you might initiate conversations with after connecting. This way their coveted notification from you doesn’t lead to crickets after matching.
Prime your most engaging, laugh-inducing chat ideas to deploy once breaking the SuperSwipe ice. Flatter them for what specifically caught your eye once the intro dialogue starts flowing.
5. Focus on Quality Matches
While SuperSwipes can help catalyze connections faster, zero in on candidates who seem relationship-minded.
Before accelerating the courtship, listen to your intuition. Do they give “potential life partner” vibes based on apparent goals and maturity?
Otherwise, blowouts can happen quicker too! So target super-likes at truly phenomenal matches ready to take things slow and steady.
6. Occasionally Change Locations
If staying put in one geographic area leaves you repeatedly SuperSwiping the same shrinking subset, relocate digitally!
Expand your discoverability range via Bumble’s Passport feature. Browse wider nets to uncover where sizzling new candidates roam outside your go-to zip code.
Variety sustains your super-like motivation by injecting newly captivating options. Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder – even for alluring locals once returning home afterward!
7. Learn From Any Non-Matches
If a treasured SuperSwipe sadly goes unrequited or unmatched during later chat fizzles, dig into why with compassionate curiosity.
Did they already leave the app from finding their person? Maybe your opener missed the mark tonally?
When we take constructive feedback even from rejection, better outcomes emerge ahead thanks to sharpened skills.
See what you can tweak positively from the experience by re-analyzing their profile for insights into their preferences. Then keep hunting amongst the billions of remaining fish in the sea! 🐟
Unleash Your Confidence to SuperSwipe Boldly 💪
As you’ve now learned, Bumble’s SuperSwipe feature supplies a concrete avenue to communicate clear fondness.
When spying on the rare gem who seems to sparkle brighter than the rest, this special swipe ushers an express lane for sealing the match.
By combining strategic timing, irresistibly charming openers, and a refined eye for quality, your SuperSwipes get leveraged to maximum success.
So embrace the badge of being a “SuperSwiper” to confidently reach out first! Let high-caliber matches understand exactly why their captivating profile made your heart skip a beat faster than the rest.