Do you know this digital flower (Hinge Rose) holds immense romantic power?
But should you send one to your Hinge crush and risk coming on too strong? Or play it cool with a regular Like?
We’ll explore when and how to use Roses to get noticed without acting weird. You’ll also discover their limitations versus standard Likes to avoid thorny situations.
Read on to master the delicate art of floral flirtation.
What is a Rose on Hinge?

On Hinge, users have the option to send a “Rose” to another user to signify increased interest. When you send someone a Rose, your profile immediately goes to the top of their “Likes You” deck.
Essentially, a Rose allows you to cut through the noise and get noticed by standing out from the other profiles that have liked that person.
Similar Features on Other Apps
If you’ve used other dating apps like Tinder or Bumble, the Rose feature is comparable to a Tinder Super Like or Bumble Super Swipe. It’s a way to indicate to another user that you’re especially enthused about them, beyond just swiping right or “liking” their profile.
How to Send a Rose on Hinge
Sending a Rose on Hinge only takes a few quick taps:
- While browsing Discover or your Standouts, find a profile that intrigues you.
- Tap the heart icon on their main photo or one of their prompt answers.
- You’ll be given the option to send a regular Like or a Rose. Select “Send Rose.”
- You can also opt to include a comment with your Rose to start a conversation.
- Confirm by tapping “Send Rose” and it will immediately go to the top of that user’s Like queue!
Pro Tip: Take a few extra seconds to come up with a unique opening line to include with your Rose. Responding directly to something in their profile makes a better impression than just a generic compliment.
Availability of Free Roses
An important caveat with Roses is that Hinge only allows you to send one per week for free. If you want to send more than that, you’ll have to purchase them.
So be selective and make it count when deciding who deserves that coveted weekly Rose! The free Roses do not accumulate week-to-week either. So if you don’t use it, you’ll miss out.
When Should You Send a Rose on Hinge?
Roses can be a great way to get noticed by your Hinge crush, but there’s a time and place. Here’s some guidance on when to drop a Rose (or just stick to a regular Like):
Focus on Your Profile First
As the old saying goes, “Strike while the iron is hot!” But when it comes to dating apps, make sure you take the time to heat up the iron first.
In other words, put effort into perfecting your Hinge profile before relying too heavily on extra features like Roses. Nail your photos, prompts, responses, and opening lines first and foremost.
No amount of Roses in the world can make up for a lackluster profile. Once your page is primed for romance, then Roses serve wonderfully in sealing the deal with your dream matches.
When You Really Like Someone
The #1 appropriate time to deploy a Rose is when you come across someone you’re super jazzed about. Like “pause your swiping to admire their smile” excited. Rose-worthy profiles don’t come around too often.
So save that weekly free Rose for the absolute peak of your INFATUATION. If someone truly wows you, they deserve the spotlight treatment that comes from receiving one of your precious Roses!
To Remind Someone You Exist
Okay, we all hate to admit it. But sometimes that cutie we liked 3 weeks ago somehow slipped through the cracks before we set up a proper first date!
Rather than letting a spark fizzle out unnecessarily, consider using your free weekly Rose as a friendly reminder. Send one their way to strike up that long-overdue conversation. Hey, better late than never!
Just be sure to refresh yourself on their profile first. Make sure your reminder Rose includes a personalized comment that picks up right where you left off with genuine interest.
Should You Always Send a Rose?

While Roses have their strategic advantages, incorporating them into every single like would be coming on too strong. Here are some reasons to stick to good-old regular Likes:
When Trying to Start a Conversation
If you come across a prompt that gives you the perfect opportunity to showcase your charming personality, take it! Having a natural opener ready can do more than simply shooting to the front of their queue with a Rose.
Don’t let a Rose do all the heavy lifting in making a connection. If you can impress them right off the bat with a witty banter-worthy comment, that organic chemistry is priceless.
(And if you don’t know how to impress through words, here are 10 Winning Ways to Start a Conversation on Hinge)
To Conserve Your Rose Limit
Since free roses are capped at 1 per week, you don’t want to burn through them thoughtlessly. Be selective and use them only when you think that extra push up the queue will make or break you matching with someone special.
Otherwise, trust that you can stand out from the likes herd in due time with the right conversational finesse.
Rose vs. Like – What’s the Difference?
While their end goal is the same (hopefully getting you a date!), Roses differ from regular Likes in a few key ways:
Where They Place You in Their Profile Queue
The main advantage of a Rose boils down to the prime placement in their Like queue. Sending a Rose ensures your profile will stand out from the pack the moment your crush checks their “Likes You” updates.
Rather than drowning amongst the sea of admirers hoping to be noticed, Roses let you seize the precious first impression advantage.
With a standard Like, you passively blend in with all other likers until the person organically happens upon your profile – which may take days or weeks.
“Likes” offer safety in numbers. Roses grab attention immediately.
Cost to Send
Thanks to the premium placement advantage, Roses rightly come at a small price after the initial freebie per week. If you want to expedite more top-of-queue treatment, those extra Roses will cost you.
Comparatively, plain old Likes come with no limit or cost. You’re free to toss as many first-stage likes out as you want to cast a wide net across Hinge prospects. If you don’t have many matches yet, this spray ‘n pray strategy may work for you rather than blowing limited Roses.
But once you start getting some traction and want to step up your game with proven mutual likes, dropping quality Roses is the power play.
Tips for Sending Effective Roses on Hinge

While Roses can substantially increase your chances of standing out from the crowd, you should use them thoughtfully. Here are some pro tips:
Personalize With a Clever Opener
Rather than relying solely on the shock factor of a random Rose appearing, maximize the opportunity by using it to show off your wit and charm.
Take a minute to craft a unique opening line or thoughtful question tailored exactly to something referencing their profile or photos.
This personalized touch paired with the prioritized placement makes Roses a true romantic power combo. Don’t leave that prime comment real estate blank!
Refresh Yourself on Their Profile First
Before impulsively hitting send on a Rose you may later regret, kindly take a moment to re-review their entire Hinge profile. Verify with your present self that they still seem just as intriguing as they did the first scroll-through.
Tastes change. Energy levels vary. Our initial quick-swipe judgments aren’t always aligned with due diligence. Reorient yourself with their vibe to ensure sending that Rose feels right.
Ask a Friend If It Seems Overeager
There’s no harm in a quick reputation check before shooting your Rose shot. If you’re questioning at all whether deploying roses may hurt more than help, ask a trusted wingman (or wingwoman)!
Sometimes in our enthusiasm, we lose sight of how aggressively interested we outwardly appear. An honest outside opinion brings a helpful perspective when navigating uncharted dating app territory.
Is Sending a Rose on Hinge Weird?
You like someone. You want them to know you exist. Expressing romantic interest is human nature!
But in an increasingly digital dating world, we all struggle to calibrate what gestures come across as properly interested versus overly eager (or worse).
So back to the core question – is sending someone a Rose on Hinge weird or too aggressive?
The short answer:
Not if used moderately and appropriately!
A Rose sent genuinely from the heart to profiles that deeply resonate with you is unlikely to ruffle feathers.
But if taken to extremes with no personalization beyond the tap of a button, you risk crossing over into a socially uncomfortable gray area.
Think quality over quantity. Meaningful connections over maximizing matches. Channel the timeless wisdom of Shakespeare’s immortal words:
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Ready to Put Your Rose Best Foot Forward?
Hopefully, this comprehensive guide has prepared you with everything needed to deploy Hinge Roses smoothly and effectively. Now you can apply that insider knowledge to shoot your shot confidently!
The key is using Roses at the right times as part of a holistic strategy:
- Step 1 – Perfect every aspect of your Hinge profile to set the optimal first impression
- Step 2 – Craft witty, personalized openers to start meaningful conversations
- Step 3 – Drop weekly Rose only on your true standout favorite crushes
Rinse and repeat regularly for romance success! Wield the power of Roses judiciously.
Happy swiping, liking, and blossoming new relationships! May your Hinge journey overflow with charming conversation and second dates.
And who knows…maybe one of those promising matches will even become your future soulmate thanks to a single simple Rose bringing you together.