As you swipe through vibrant faces on Tinder, have you ever wondered about the cryptic 4-letter codes in people’s bios?
We’ve put together an in-depth guide on what each Myers-Briggs personality type means in the context of dating and relationships.
So, read the article to understand what INTJ, ENFP, and others reveal about those Tinder personalities!
Why Do People List Personality Types on Tinder?
Your Tinder bio likely contains tidbits to help matches get a sense of who you are – your passions, what you’re looking for, and what makes you tick. Adding a Myers-Briggs personality type is another piece of that puzzle. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) categorizes people into 16 types based on four key traits:
- Introversion (I) or Extraversion (E): Where you focus your attention – internally or externally
- Intuition (N) or Sensing (S): How you take in information – using your five senses or your “sixth sense”
- Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): How you make decisions – with logic or based on emotions/values
- Judging (J) or Perceiving (P): How you approach the outside world – seeking structure or keeping options open
So when you see “ENFP” or “ISTJ” on someone’s profile, it gives insight into their core personality traits.
1. ISTJ – The Logistician

ISTJs tend to be reserved yet hyper-dependable. Their motto could be “If you want something done right, give it to an ISTJ.”
They likely have firm criteria for who they’ll swipe right on, carefully evaluating profiles before making a decision. But if you match, take it as a good sign – they saw something compelling about you!
Key ISTJ Traits:
- Detail-oriented
- Analytical
- Organized
- Traditional
- Responsible
ISTJs in Relationships:
An ISTJ believes actions speak louder than words when it comes to romance. They demonstrate love by taking care of practical needs, like managing finances, home repairs, etc.
Although not openly verbal with affection, they’re incredibly loyal and devoted once committed to a relationship. They enjoy traditions like annual vacations to the same spot.
An ISTJ prefers a partner who respects their need for order and quiet time alone to recharge. Too much spontaneity causes tension.
Tinder Tips for an ISTJ Match:
- Be on time – always. ISTJs do not tolerate tardiness well.
- Share ideas for traditional date activities – think dinner and a movie.
- Let them take the reins on financial decisions.
- Give them space when they need to unwind solo.
- Show you’re reliable and realistic about relationships.
Best Romantic Pairings:
ISTJs mesh well with partners who respect reliability as much as they do, including:
2. ISFJ – The Defender

ISFJs are selfless helpers who take pride in being dependable and making others happy. Shy at first, they slowly open up into affectionate partners.
Don’t expect an ISFJ to initiate a conversation on Tinder. Their modesty likely holds them back from reaching out first. But if you spark an engaging dialogue, warmth, and sweetness lie underneath their reserve!
Key ISFJ Traits:
- Helpful
- Considerate
- Loyal
- Patient
- Kind
ISFJs in Relationships
Once in a secure relationship, ISFJs shower affection generously, remembering birthdays, anniversaries, favorite treats, and more.
They avoid conflict at all costs and may bottle up feelings that could rock the boat. But they’ll do almost anything to make their partner happy behind the scenes.
This type desires harmony above all else and enjoys little gestures of romance – bringing home flowers “just because” or slow dancing in the kitchen.
Tinder Tips for an ISFJ Match
- Reach out first – don’t wait for them to make the first move.
- Ask questions to help them open up.
- Give compliments – they love praise.
- Avoid arguments; be patient and calm instead.
- Appreciate their gestures, no matter how small.
Best Romantic Pairings:
Sensitivity and warmth define ISFJs. They thrive with sweet yet steady partners like:
3. INFJ – The Advocate

INFJs are true romantics at heart, envisioning glorious “happily ever afters.” They give everything in relationships and connect deeply emotionally and spiritually with partners.
This type despises shallow small talk, especially on Tinder. But they’ll open up endlessly to someone they sense truly cares. An INFJ gives genuine compliments and may offer advice if they see you’re struggling.
Key INFJ Traits:
- Idealistic
- Insightful
- Creative
- Principled
- Altruistic
INFJs in Relationships
The INFJ feels emotions intensely – when happy, they’re overjoyed, but when hurt, they’re crushed. Luckily, this also means they cherish intimacy in relationships once they trust someone.
However, the quest for the perfect partner often leaves them disappointed. Still, INFJs believe each relationship teaches them something, refusing to fully give up on true love.
This type believes in unconditional support and will back a partner 100%, as long as they match that energy in return.
Tinder Tips for an INFJ Match:
- Share philosophical ideas or creative dreams.
- Compliment their beliefs, passions, and talents since those run deep.
- Practice truly active listening – don’t just wait to talk.
- Promise honesty and follow through. Dishonesty destroys trust.
- Reassure them you’ll match their level of effort.
Best Romantic Pairings
The dreamy, soulful INFJ gets along best with someone who can read their emotions and reciprocate openness, like:
4. INTJ – The Architect

Brilliant strategists with a knack for seeing far into the future, INTJs make a move on Tinder if they spot intellectual and emotional chemistry. They intriguingly combine innovation and insight with steadfast loyalty.
This type doesn’t open up easily on chat, preferring measured face-to-face conversations instead. But they eventually share their impressive vision, creativity, and dry, clever humor once comfortable.
Key INTJ Traits:
- Analytical
- Independent
- Insightful
- Ambitious
- Objective
INTJs in Relationships
While not instantly warm, INTJs are devoted partners, supporting significant others’ career aspirations, hobbies, and self-improvement.
They may struggle to verbalize feelings and dispense praise at first. But INTJs show commitment through dependability, emotional support, and sharing resources and wisdom that help partners reach goals.
This type cherishes their alone time and intellectual freedom in relationships. They despise clinginess and need to engage regularly in outside interests they’re passionate about.
Tinder Tips for an INTJ Match:
- Bring up thought-provoking topics like philosophy or global affairs.
- Compliment their brilliant ideas.
- Be independent in pursuing your own friendships and hobbies outside the relationship.
- Engage their creativity by brainstorming innovations or debating theories.
- Give them intellectual freedom.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The unconventional INTJ gets along best with open-minded types like:
5. ISTP – The Crafter

ISTPs swagger through life to the beat of their own drum. They follow interests based on whatever captivates them at that moment – today it may be snowboarding, tomorrow geology, the next day DJing house music.
This type likely has an eclectic bunch of obscure hobbies listed on their Tinder profile. ISTPs only commit when they spot a spark strong enough to hold their wandering gaze.
Key ISTP Traits:
- Observant
- Rational
- Practical
- Laid-back
- Analytical
ISTPs in Relationships
The go-with-the-flow ISTP resists labels in relationships. Their partners may find this type tough to read thanks to their calm exterior that betrays little emotion.
However, underneath lies an experimental lover willing to try unconventional ways of showing affection, like hang-gliding together or assembling custom furniture as a bonding activity.
ISTPs thrive with partners who prize freedom as much as they do. They dislike clinginess and avoid discussing emotions (both their own and their partner’s). This type prefers showing they care through action – fixing things that are broken or solving problems for loved ones.
Tinder Tips for an ISTP Match:
- Suggest interesting date ideas involving creating something.
- Give them space and resist smothering them.
- Engage their analytical side – don’t expect hearts and flowers.
- Avoid confrontations/asking “where is this going?” too soon.
- Be flexible about making firm commitments right away.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The ISTP feels most comfortable with similarly independent yet stable companions like:
6. ISFP – The Artist

ISFPs wander through life collecting exquisite adventures and creative outlets. Poetry, painting, botanical gardens – they find beauty everywhere and excel at using tactile mediums to capture it.
This type embraces the spectrum of human emotion, from overflowing joy to melancholy longing. On Tinder, the ISFP reveals vulnerability in profiles featuring moody sunsets, quirky animations, or quotes reflecting their compassion for suffering.
Key ISFP Traits:
- Warm
- Loyal
- Flexible
- Charming
- Creative
ISFPs in Relationships
ISFPs become fully enamored with partners who return their fiery feelings. This type expresses affection beautifully through song lyrics, homemade gifts, and remembering poignant emotional moments.
However, too much routine smothers the ISFP’s fiery soul over time. They need novelty to fuel passion and may surprise romantic interests with spontaneous adventures to hike a mountain or photograph the Milky Way.
This type grows restless if lovers try dimming their shine. They need someone to fan their creative flames rather than expecting them to conform.
Tinder Tips for an ISFP Match:
- Ask about what’s currently inspiring them.
- Suggest fun-filled activities outdoors/involving art.
- Give them creative freedom – don’t criticize their numerous projects.
- Compliment their adventurousness and charm.
- Avoid pressuring them to commit quickly before they’re ready.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The quirky, creative ISFP thrives in partnerships where self-expression is encouraged, like with:
7. INFP – The Mediator

INFPs view life through a poetic lens, envisioning adventures filled with meaning. They dive headfirst into passions, especially the arts, to capture the vivid dreams and fantasies living inside them.
This type craves true emotional connection above all else in relationships. They reveal vulnerabilities quickly if sensing returned openness. But it takes time to gain an INFP’s complete trust.
Key INFP Traits:
- Idealistic
- Loyal
- Flexible
- Deeply caring
- Creative
INFPs in Relationships
Romance completely absorbs INFPs – when smitten, songs carry secret messages from their beloved, city lights glow more beautifully, and warm rain feels like heaven’s touch caressing them.
They believe in soulmates and pour immense energy into relationships. However, the yearning for perfection leaves them grieving when their partners ultimately disappoint.
The right companions motivate INFPs to turn creative fantasies into reality. But those seeking to dim their shine quickly provoke their departure – this type follows their heart whenever caged.
Tinder Tips for an INFP Match:
- Ask what inspires them and share your own dreams too.
- Compliment their visionary ideas.
- Reassure them you’ll match their emotional availability and effort.
- Create thoughtful handmade gifts reflecting inside jokes or memorable adventures.
- Avoid critiquing their intense emotions.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The head-in-the-clouds INFP needs a stabilizing anchor in relationships – someone who can pull magic from their fantasies. Their best matches include:
8. INTP – The Thinker

A walking encyclopedia bursting with quick-witted debates, curious questions, and innovative ideas – that’s the INTP! This analytical type constantly studies new concepts to graft onto their ever-expanding knowledge base.
They moonlight as armchair psychologists, reading people and patterns like matrices. An INTP spots potential partners who admire their intellectual strengths while still challenging them.
Key INTP Traits:
- Analytical
- Objective
- Unconventional
- Adaptable
- Innovative
INTPs in Relationships
INTPs approach intimacy like puzzles requiring solutions – how can two individuals seamlessly intertwine lives? This analytical perspective shields
them from getting hurt when relationships don’t work out.
This type shows devotion through applying logic to solve their partner’s problems and offering insights to help them achieve goals. They also show affection by engaging in playful debates and bonding over shared intellectual curiosities.
However, INTPs struggle to understand emotions, including their own. They may fixate intensely on interests outside the relationship as ways to recharge solo.
Tinder Tips for an INTP Match:
- Ask their perspective on interesting ideas.
- Don’t expect overt displays of emotion/affection.
- Give them space to pursue individual interests.
- Engage their innovative thinking – invent things together.
- Have mutual Respect when you disagree.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The unconventional INTP needs someone equally open-minded who can provide warmth to balance their detachment, like:
9. ESTP – The Persuader

ESTPs dive headfirst into thrilling adventures, whether racing dune buggies, skydiving, or climbing active volcanoes. They live life pedal-to-the-metal style.
This wild child seeks partners who make their pulse race with excitement (especially physically). They frankly assess romantic prospects on Tinder, cutting ones without chemistry loose quickly.
Key ESTP Traits:
- Outgoing
- Risk-taking
- Rational
- Observant
- Resourceful
ESTPs in Relationships
The impulsive ESTP struggles with long-term commitment. They fiercely guard freedom and self-reliance, fleeing smothering partners at the first sign of co-dependence.
This type expresses affection through action – pulling off daring surprises, embarking on impromptu trips, and trying thrilling bedroom adventures. They also demonstrate attentiveness by keenly observing a significant other’s needs.
However, ESTPs tend to prioritize their own adventures over relationships. Unless partners respect their autonomy and keep excitement high, they’ll eventually exit to discover new horizons.
Tinder Tips for an ESTP Match:
- Suggest adventurous dates like racing go-karts or exploring abandoned amusement parks.
- Avoid pressuring them for a serious commitment.
- Encourage their autonomy; give them space.
- Keep the spark alive through exhilarating shared activities.
- Appreciate their thoughtfulness when they anticipate your needs.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The thrill-seeking ESTP matches best with equally fun-loving yet steady partners like:
10. ESFP – The Entertainer

No other type celebrates life’s pleasures as wholeheartedly as the ESFP. This connoisseur forays festivals tasting handmade ice cream, plays piano by ear while bellowing show tunes, and mingles effortlessly at parties making everyone feel famous.
Beneath their playful exterior lies fierce loyalty toward those they love. The ESFP expresses affection effusively through thoughtful gifts, physical touch, encouraging words, and standing up for loved ones.
Key ESFP Traits:
- Playful spirit
- Outgoing
- Observant
- Warm-hearted
- Generous
ESFPs in Relationships
The life-loving ESFP maintains a youthful zest in relationships, constantly surprising partners with impromptu adventures like midnight carriage rides or sprinkler dances in the rain.
They crave positive reinforcement and shower the people they adore with praise. As long as excitement endures, ESFPs dedicate themselves wholly to committed relationships.
But bored partners risk losing them. This enthusiastic type needs help making distant dreams a reality – they possess big visions but struggle formulating step-by-step plans.
Tinder Tips for an ESFP Match:
- Take them on playful, active dates like amusement parks, dancing, or kayaking.
- Verbally express how you feel about them often.
- Help strategize logical steps toward achieving their aspirations.
- Encourage them to take the spotlight rather than shrinking their vivaciousness.
- Remain positive and enthusiastic in the relationship.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The quirky ESFP shines brightest with someone who can ground their vivacious vision while embracing their lust for life, like:
11. ENFP – The Champion

ENFPs radiate intoxicating vitality and imagine evermore possibilities, energizing everyone they encounter. They forge trails toward glittering dreams, rallying others through infectious optimism.
This type bonds intensely with soulmates who match their emotional availability. An ENFP revealing vulnerabilities and insecurities on Tinder indicates they sense you’ll return openness without judgment.
Key ENFP Traits:
- Curious
- Compassionate
- Sociable
- Energetic
- Idealistic
ENFPs in Relationships
The passionate ENFP commits fully once falling in love, showing affection through composing songs, showering playful little gifts, and encouraging partners’ dreams.
They believe intimacy strengthens through embracing vulnerabilities. This type treasures when a significant other reciprocates by sharing insecurities or past emotional wounds so they can support them.
ENFPs feel smothered sticking solely to routines yet drained by endless spontaneity. They thrive balancing stable comfort with adventures revealing life’s magnificent wonders.
Tinder Tips for an ENFP Match:
- Ask about their dreams and share yours too.
- Plan thoughtful gestures and surprises to show you care.
- Don’t expect them to follow strict timelines.
- Help strategize ideas bringing fantasies to life.
- Reveal your real self flaws and all.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The idealistic ENFP needs someone grounding without dampening their fiery spirit like:
12. ENTP – The Debater

A mad scientist fusing innovation with rebellion, ENTPs concoct mind-blowing ideas setting paradigms aflame. These imaginative trailblazers play devil’s advocate, challenging assumptions and testing theories’ integrity under pressure.
They explore romantic prospects on Tinder intrigued by clever profiles featuring philosophical questions or controversial stances on issues. Matching wits with assertive intellectual equals entices them.
Key ENTP Traits:
- Quick-witted
- Outspoken
- Resourceful
- Objective
- Unconventional
ENTPs in Relationships
Never short on ideas for adventurous dates, the spontaneous ENTP surprises partners by revealing hidden Bangkok street markets or constructing blanket forts to gaze at stars.
They demonstrate devotion through encouraging significant others’ individual growth and constructive criticism helping refine solutions. ENTPs need to debate; they show interest by engaging differences of opinion.
However, constantly provoking arguments damages relationships. And they may overlook partners’ feelings while lost theorizing innovations. But ENTPs express affection genuinely once learning tactful communication.
Tinder Tips for an ENTP Match:
- Voice controversial opinions respectfully to start playful debates.
- Don’t be offended by their criticism; view it as optimism for your potential.
- Share unique date ideas that are fun and mentally stimulating.
- Occasionally do low-key home activities too like reading or watching documentaries together.
- Ask for their perspective on new ideas you’re exploring.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The eccentric innovator gets along best with someone able to match wits while providing warmth like:
13. ESTJ – The Director

ESTJs conquer goals tenaciously through uncanny strategic talents and relentless drive. They juggle multi-layered plans simultaneously while scrutinizing systems’ mechanics and searching for productivity improvements.
This dynamic type makes decisive moves on Tinder when intrigued by bright, attractive prospects. They directly express romantic intentions right away with potential partners passing initial assessments.
Key ESTJ Traits:
- Pragmatic
- Analytical
- Organized
- Responsible
- Ambitious
ESTJs in Relationships
Sharp ESTJs demonstrate devotion by managing household logistics like paying bills promptly, researching school options for kids, and scheduling home repairs. They provide dependability, creating security for loved ones.
Outwardly stoic, they express intimacy through subtle gestures too – bringing coffee knowing you’re tired or massaging shoulders after long workdays. Underneath their serious drive lies profound caring.
However, their criticism can wound sensitive souls without them realizing it initially. However, once made aware that feedback missed the mark and hurt partners’ feelings, ESTJs make concerted efforts to improve communication.
Tinder Tips for an ESTJ Match:
- Ask about their ambitious goals; offer encouragement/ideas supporting dreams.
- Don’t interpret blunt honesty as rudeness – clarify calmly if feedback frustrates you.
- Offer suggestions for streamlining workflows or systems in their life.
- Express gratitude for reliability providing comfort/stability in the relationship.
- Share activity ideas promoting health like training for 5Ks together.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The structured ESTJ meshes well with flexible partners able to strengthen their areas of weakness, like:
14. ESFJ – The Caregiver

No one comforts in distress like the empathetic ESFJ. Close friends and strangers alike feel special in their presence as they speak warmth into hearts and intuitively anticipate people’s needs.
The ESFJ probably joined Tinder hoping to forge authentic connections leading to steady relationships. They evaluate romantic prospects seeking true compatibility promising long-lasting bonds.
Key ESFJ Traits:
- Warm
- Nurturing spirit
- Loyal
- Responsible
- Enthusiastic
ESFJs in Relationships
Few match ESFJs’ natural knack for creating harmonious homes filled with delicious smells of home-cooked meals, ringing laughter, and cozy spaces promoting meaningful conversations. They believe family bonds strengthen through joyful traditions.
This sentimental type never forgets anniversaries, children’s milestones, and inside jokes. They’re generous in showering loved ones with homemade gifts reflecting how well they know recipients’ preferences.
However, dear ones rarely know ESFJs profoundly in return due to their elevating others above themselves. Partners must work extra coaxing out their needs and desires.
Tinder Tips for an ESFJ Match:
- Ask thoughtful questions about their interests and listen intently to responses.
- Plan activities bringing their friend groups together like game nights or group hikes.
- Help brainstorm ideas for fun family traditions.
- Express appreciation for generosity and gifts.
- Check in about balancing their own needs while nurturing everyone else.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The selfless ESFJ thrives with someone able to reciprocate doting acts of service, like:
15. ENFJ – The Protagonist

Charisma bursts like fireworks from ENFJs as they enchant rooms through radiant charm, spirited humor, and inspirational visions of potential waiting unlocked inside people and ideas.
This moonlighting counselor and coach reads emotions and connections effortlessly, discerning romantic prospects’ compatibility based on temperament and values. They won’t hesitate messaging promising matches first with thoughtful observations.
Key ENFJ Traits:
- Compassionate
- Sociable
- Optimistic
- Expressive
- Driven
ENFJs in Relationships
The passionate ENFJ nurtures intimacy cultivating an encouraging environment where vulnerability safely blossoms into mutual understanding.
They become adoring partners remembering favorite songs, shows, and restaurants while intuitively knowing when significant others need soothing support or rousing motivation meeting adversity head-on.
ENFJs pour tremendous energy strengthening bonds. But their tendencies of giving without boundaries can Drain emotional tanks to the dregs without reciprocated replenishment from partners.
Tinder Tips for an ENFJ Match:
- Ask about what moves/inspires them; discuss meaningful ideas.
- Share your own dreams/fears without judgment.
- Supply warmth and strength when they feel defeated in equal measure.
- Help implement systematic strategies to achieve cherished goals.
- Show interest in causes embodying their values like mentoring youth.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings
The ENFJ needs someone able to reciprocate emotional intimacy like:
16. ENTJ – The Commander

ENTJs strategically chart adventurous quests stretching sights beyond horizons’ limits. Imagining groundbreaking innovations, they assemble crack squads executing audacious visions exactly as orchestrated in their brilliant minds.
This efficiency maestro utilizes Tinder effectively too, ruling out romantic dead ends while promptly pursuing high-potential prospects. Blunt yet charming, they directly state intentions and concrete dating ideas up front.
Key ENTJ Traits:
- Innovative
- Confident
- Rational
- Commanding
- Driven
ENTJs in Relationships
ENTJs motivate partners constantly striving upward chasing bolder dreams. They brainstorm solutions and define systematic steps to achieve aspirations other types deem impossible.
This success-oriented type shows devotion through reciprocating efforts bettering the partnership – actively listening, communicating lovingly, and balancing give-take ratios. Under demanding exteriors lies profound caring and loyalty.
However, their driven productivity expectations often steamroll romantic relationships. ENTJs must remember to pause appreciating meaningful moments creating treasured memories together.
Tinder Tips for an ENTJ Match:
- Share ambitious relationship standards transparently upfront.
- Prepare interesting discussion topics to break the ice effectively.
- Help them strategize systematic plans to accomplish life targets.
- Don’t interpret blunt clarity about expectations as criticism.
- Plan intermittent adventurous excursions balancing hard work with leisure play.
Best Romantic Partner Pairings:
The goal-crushing ENTJ needs a thoughtful anchor who can motivate and challenge them like:
Decoding Your Own Myers-Briggs Personality Type
Want to add your own Myers-Briggs letters to your dating profile? Take this quick assessment:
1. At parties, I:
A. Talk to many different people
B. Talk in-depth to one person at a time
2. I make decisions based on:
A. Facts and objective analysis
B. My values and emotions
3. The idea of traveling alone to a new country makes me feel:
A. Excited about the challenge
B. Anxious and overwhelmed
4. I prefer careers requiring:
A. Consistency and routine
B. Flexibility and variety
5. My living space is best described as:
A. Organized and tidy
B. Cozy and personalized
6. In my free time I prefer:
A. Making detailed plans well in advance B. Keeping things open and being spontaneous
7. When resolving conflict, I tend to be:
A. Objective, logical, and truthful even if feelings get hurt
B. Tactful, caring, and avoid hurting people’s feelings
8. My vocational interests align with:
A. Analytical thought, research, and cold hard facts
B. Creativity, self-expression, and ideas
9. My creative tendencies lean toward:
A. Technical innovation like rewiring electronics
B. Artistic venues like painting, music, or writing
10. In relationships, I seek:
A. Intellectual stimulation, shared interests, and independence
B. Emotional intimacy, mutual support, and lots of quality time
11. I’m more drawn to:
A. Consistency and routine
B. Variety and new experiences
12. My energy sources are:
A. Crowds and constant stimulation
B. Quiet spaces and time alone
For numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12…
If you chose mostly A answers, you likely lead with Extraverted tendencies. If you chose mostly B answers, you likely lead with Introverted tendencies.
For numbers 2, 7, 10…
If you chose mostly A answers, you likely make decisions using Thinking. If you chose mostly B answers, you likely make decisions based on Feeling.
For numbers 4, 5, 6, 11…
If you chose mostly A answers, you likely seek Judging order and structure. If you chose mostly B answers, you likely flow with Perceiving flexibility.
Once you’ve identified your preferences in those 4 dichotomies, we’d recommend taking the full, in-depth assessment at to clarify your 4-letter Myers-Briggs personality type.
Discovering your type equips you with a treasure trove of self-knowledge to apply in dating, relationships, workplace dynamics, and more.
After taking the full test and getting your 4-letter profile, come back and read this article again for a customized analysis of your core characteristics – including strengths, ideal romantic matches, and tips tailored to your type!
We’d love for you to share your official Myers-Briggs letters in the comments too, along with your thoughts on whether your profile aligns with your sense of self.