Swiping right and matching is easy, but figuring out those crucial first messages? Not so much.
Don’t let the empty chat screen intimidate you. With the right moves, you can start meaningful conversations that lead to great dates.
This article has 7 pro tips to transform you from a bumbling newbie to a Hinge hottie hailed for his witty openers.
Learn how to grab her attention, spark engagement, and exude confidence through your words alone. Your match list is about to get a whole lot hotter.
Not sure if Hinge is the right dating app for you? Check out our complete review on [is Hinge a good dating app] first.
Tip 1: Personalize Based on Her Profile

Generic messages like “Hey” or “What’s up” rarely get responses on dating apps. To stand out, you need to personalize your opener based on her profile.
Here are some ways to do that:
Comment on Her Photos
Look through her photos for something interesting to mention. Keep it casual and fun:
- “That mountain view is epic! Is that Machu Picchu?”
- “Whoa, that surfing photo is awesome! How long have you been surfing for?”
This shows you took the time to look at her pics. It also gives her an easy prompt to continue the conversation.
Refer to Her Answers
Hinge prompts users to answer questions about themselves like:
- Two truths and a lie
- My simple pleasures
- I geek out on…
Read through her answers and ask a related question:
- “You mentioned loving popcorn in your simple pleasures. What’s your favorite popcorn topping?”
- “Your lie has to be that you were born in Russia, right? Where were you really born?”
This demonstrates a genuine interest in learning more about her.
Compliment Her Style
If something about her style catches your eye, a specific compliment can work wonderfully:
- “That yellow dress in your third photo is super cute!”
- “Love your tattoo! The design is really beautiful.”
Just keep it appropriate and sincere. Overly flirty or superficial compliments may turn her off.
The key is to show her that you looked at her profile and want to know more about the things that make her unique. This makes a great first impression.
If you need more conversation starters, here’s our detailed guide on [how to start a conversation on Hinge].
Tip 2: Ask Good Questions
After personalizing your opener, ask an intriguing question to get the conversation going.
Here are some effective questions to ask:
Open-Ended Questions
Open-ended questions require more than a simple yes/no response. They encourage her to share about herself:
- “What’s your favorite adventure so far in life?”
- “What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?”
- “What skill would you love to learn if you had unlimited time?”
This gives her the freedom to steer the conversation based on what she’s excited to talk about.
Fun Hypotheticals
Imaginative “what if” questions can be great icebreakers:
- “Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or read minds?”
- “If you could live in any fictional world, what would you choose?”
- “Would you rather explore space or the ocean?”
Hypotheticals reveal personality in a playful way.
Follow Up Questions
To keep things flowing, always have a follow up question ready after she answers your opener.
For example, if she says her favorite adventure was backpacking Europe, you can ask:
- “What did you love about backpacking Europe?”
- “Did you visit that place alone or with friends?”
- “What was your absolute favorite destination?”
This shows you’re interested in the details and want to keep hearing more.
The goal is to get a fun, flirty vibe going by asking light, thoughtful questions that help you get to know her.
Tip 3: Throw in Some Humor
Humor is a great tool for spicing up conversations on dating apps. But tread carefully – self-deprecating humor often works better than one-liners at the start.
Here are some ways to make her laugh:
Funny Observations
Point out something amusing about the situation in a tongue-in-cheek way:
- “I like how we both said we enjoy hiking. So original!”
- “On a scale of 1 to awkward, how weird is online dating?”
This shows you don’t take things too seriously.
Playful Teasing
Once you develop some rapport, gentle teasing can be charming. Just keep it focused on non-sensitive subjects.
For example, if she seems really outdoorsy, you could say:
- “I’m digging the Patagonia headband in your profile. Trying a bit hard to show off your adventurous side, aren’t you?”
Teasing lightly pokes fun in a flirtatious way. But make sure you avoid comments that may hurt her feelings.
Reaction Gifs
Tasteful reaction gifs can add humor visually:
- Send the “Hard to argue with that assessment” gif if she says she loves dogs more than people.
- Reply with the “I also enjoy human things like laughing and smiling” gif if she calls you out for being awkward.
Just don’t overdo it. Sending too many GIFs can come off as juvenile.
The key is to show you have a playful side but avoid crossing the line into rudeness. Intelligence and wit are attractive.
Tip 4: Share Something About Yourself

While it’s important to focus on her at first, sharing a little about yourself keeps things balanced.
Here are some smooth ways to pivot to talking about you:
Tell a Relevant Story
If she mentions enjoying hiking, you could respond with a brief hiking story:
“That reminds me of the time I hiked up South Mountain and got totally lost for like three hours. I thought I was in decent shape before that little adventure.”
Telling a quick anecdote shows off your personality.
Give Your Take
If she asks about one of your hobbies or interests, share your thoughts:
“You asked about my favorite book genre. I’d have to say sci-fi. I’m a total sucker for futuristic visions of our world. Have you read any good sci-fi lately?”
This continues the conversation while highlighting something you’re into.
Ask If She Agrees
For example, if you say your perfect Friday night is seeing a show with friends:
“My ideal Friday night is going to a concert with a few buddies. There’s nothing better than live music. What do you think, can you agree?”
This invites her to react and maybe even launch into a story of her own.
The goal is to avoid dominating the conversation but organically work in things about yourself. This levels the playing field while allowing her to get to know you.
Tip 5: Be Playful and Positive
Messaging on dating apps should feel fun and energetic. Be aware of your tone and keep things upbeat.
Here are some ways to come off as playful and positive:
Emojis and Exclamation Points
Don’t go overboard, but using ! and emojis in moderation can make you seem enthusiastic.
For example:
“Hiking to Machu Picchu sounds incredible! Was it a pretty tough trek? 😮”
“A knitting class does sound awesome! I’d probably mess up and knit a scarf with three arm holes though. 😂”
This shows excitement and a positive attitude.
Compliment Her
As you get to know each other, sincere compliments build confidence:
“I really admire your sense of adventure. You seem like a very bold and spontaneous soul!”
“You have such varied interests – everything from yoga to auto repair. That’s really cool!”
Just keep it focused on her personality and interests, not her appearance alone.
Be Encouraging
If she’s unsure about something, like attending an event alone, provide encouragement:
“I bet you’ll have a great time if you go. It’s exciting putting yourself out there!”
Your reassuring tone will make her feel supported.
Bringing positive energy to your messages makes conversing with you a fun and validating experience.
Tip 6: End the Conversation Smoothly
You want to end the chat in a way that keeps her wanting more. Here are some effective tactics:
On a Cliffhanger
After a bit of back and forth, you can halt the exchange on an intriguing note:
“That does sound like an epic way to spend a Saturday! Well hey, I better get back to this workout. Let’s chat more soon :)”
Leaving her curious about what comes next is a great technique.
With a Question
End with an open-ended question she’ll want to respond to:
“Thailand sounds amazing, I’d love to go one day. Have you traveled anywhere else that you’d highly recommend? Let me know! Gotta run for now.”
This gives her something fun to answer next time.
Make Definite Plans
If it feels right, suggest meeting up:
“I’d love to hear more about your interest in film – maybe over drinks later this week if you’re free?”
If she says yes, exchange numbers to firm up details.
The idea is to stop messaging before the conversation runs out of steam. Make her excited for your next chat.
Once you start dating, watch for these [key signs she is serious about you] to understand where things are heading.
Tip 7: Avoid These Common Pitfalls

While messaging on Hinge, steer clear of these turn-offs:
- Pushy questions – Don’t interrogate her right off the bat.
- Overly flirty comments – Keep it classy until you know her better.
- Badmouthing exes – Major red flag.
- Sexual remarks – Far too aggressive.
- Cocky boasting – You’ll sound conceited.
- Negativity about anything – Positivity is attractive.
- Going silent for days – Don’t just ghost. Let her know if you’ll be unavailable.
The key is to keep the conversation fun, polite, and centered on getting to know each other naturally.
Messaging girls on Hinge requires thoughtful effort, but it’s worth it. By personalizing your openers, asking great questions, sprinkling in humor, and exchanging positive energy, you can stand out.
Avoid common messaging mistakes like pick-up lines or negativity. End each chat on an upbeat note that keeps her interested.
If you apply these tips for messaging on Hinge, you’ll be lining up fun dates with girls you genuinely vibe with in no time. Just be patient, stay confident, and be your best self.
One last thing: If things go well, make sure to check out our guide on [6 strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship] to keep the connection strong.
Good luck! You’ve got this.