You match with someone cute on Hinge and take a quick screenshot to share with friends. But then a scary thought hits – what if Hinge secretly alerts them that you took a screenshot?
What do you do now? Just fear not dear!
Because Hinge does not currently send any kind of notification when a screenshot is taken.
However, It does not mean you should do whatever you want. There are a few things you must be aware of before taking a screenshot on Hinge.
Read on to learn more!
Overview of Key Points
- Hinge does not send screenshot notifications for profiles, photos, or conversations
- You can screenshot on Hinge just as you would normally on an iPhone or Android
- Always consider user privacy before publicly sharing screenshots or taking them without consent
- Potential legitimate uses for screenshots include second opinions, reporting harassment, or reviewing a match
- Ethical practices would avoid publicly posting screenshots or excessively creepy collection
Now let’s explore those key points in more detail.
Does Hinge Notify Screenshots?

No, Hinge does not notify screenshots. This means it does not send any alert to a user if their profile or chat is screenshotted. You could take screenshots of someone’s Hinge profile every day, and they would never receive any message from Hinge telling them their page was captured.
This applies to all aspects of the app – the user’s profile pictures, their written bio and preferences, their responses to prompts, or chat conversations. No matter what you screenshot, the app does not notify the other user in any way.
So why doesn’t Hinge send screenshot notifications?
Most likely because they don’t want to infringe on users sharing profiles with friends to get second opinions. Dating apps encourage sharing profiles to some extent as it keeps users active on the platform.
Notification policies could also change in the future as apps evolve. But for now, you can rest assured Hinge will not narc on your screenshotting habits.
‘Do you use other dating apps too? Or are interested in knowing their screenshot policy? If yes, read the articles given below:
Does Bumble Notify Screenshots?
Does Tinder Notify Screenshots?
How to Take Screenshots on Hinge
Taking a screenshot using Hinge works the same as it would for any app on your iPhone or Android device.
The process for common phones is:
- Simultaneously press the Side Button and Up Volume Button
Android Devices
- Simultaneously press and hold the Power Button and Volume Down Button
Samsung Galaxy
- Some models have a home button so for them simultaneously press and hold the Power Button and Home Button
You can use this method to capture any profiles, photos, or conversations in the Hinge app. The person will have no indication their page was saved.
Do be aware that while Hinge does not track screenshots, some phone manufacturers will show your screenshots in cloud storage or screenshots folders that are visible to you. So screenshots are not always completely private on your end either.
Ethics Around Screenshots on Dating Apps

Just because Hinge doesn’t notify about screenshots does not mean you should disregard considering ethics and privacy when taking screenshots. Some guidelines include:
- Avoid publicly posting screenshots with identifying details visible
- Don’t excessively collect screenshots without consent
- Be cautious of harassment via screenshot evidence
Privacy Considerations
A user creates a Hinge profile with the expectation that their information will be visible to other daters on the platform. They likely do not anticipate their photos or details being shared on the public internet.
So if you do capture screenshots, you should avoid posting them in any public way that exposes the user’s identity. At the very least, crop out or blur names, faces, and other recognizable details.
And just because Hinge doesn’t limit how many screenshots you take doesn’t make it ethical to endlessly save a user’s pictures without their consent. That veers more into obsession or inappropriate behavior.
Screenshotting Harassment
One legitimate reason to take screenshots on dating apps is to document harassment in order to report a user. Whether they spammed you with inappropriate messages or attacked you personally, screenshots provide proof to get their account deleted.
However, also be cautious of harassers encouraging you to take screenshots so they have evidence to share. Some cases have documented abusers falsely reporting victims by using edited or fabricated screenshot evidence.
So while documentation can be important, it requires careful judgement of context and goals. Don’t hesitate to block harassers first rather than engage in screenshot wars.
Legitimate Uses for Hinge Screenshots
While excessive or nonconsensual use of screenshots raises ethical questions, there are legitimate reasons you may want to save a profile or chat.
Second Opinions
Sharing a profile screenshot to get a trusted friend’s second opinion is common. They can provide outside insight on prompts, photo choices, and whether they recommend you to match or message.
As long as you avoid publicly posting their private details, this can help facilitate positive dating app experiences.
Reviewing Matches
It’s also understandable to screenshot someone you’ve matched with so you can review their details again later. Revisiting photos or chat messages can help jog your memory after a match connection goes stagnant for a while.
Especially if you have conversation with multiple matches simultaneously, screenshots let you refresh yourself on their hobbies and talking points when you reengage.
Appreciating Photos
For some, screenshotting is more akin to bookmarking or scrapbooking profiles that catch your eye, even if you don’t plan to message. Online dating can feel a bit voyeuristic. You may just see a profile style you find aesthetically pleasing or alluring.
As long as your screenshot habits aren’t harmfully objectifying or collecting without consent, appreciation can be ethical. Just be sure to keep the images private.
Now, you are not worried, right?
So go ahead and snap some shots on Hinge without worrying about getting caught. But exercise good judgment too! With the right ethical approach, screenshots can enhance your overall dating app experience.